Christian Books

Life Story of Madhav Upadhyaya
I begin the testimony of my life by offering thanksgiving and devotion to the Creator of the universe. The works that Almighty God has done in my life are indescribable.

Life Story of Sadhu Chandralila
In a mountain village in Nepal lived a Brahmin who was a priest. His fortune was bright; Because he was not lacking in wealth and honor. From a long time ago, his forefathers were also the royal priests of Nepal. This position was very high and sacred in the eyes of the people.

Think of Your Future!
If we want to be straightforward and honest when thinking about the purpose of our life or our existence in this world, we must realize the refreshing fact that we only live here, in this world, once. Let us, then, begin our argument here, too, with this solemn, heart-rending certainty: We have but one life.

That's a Good Question!
Nothing in life happens by chance, it doesn't just happen. Everything has a divine plan or is given to happen in divine forbearance. This little booklet has fallen into your hands; This is also not without meaning. How many truths are mentioned in this book; If you accept these things wholeheartedly, they can change your entire life and give it a new purpose. Not only that, but this book tells you how to get forgiveness of sins, how to be reconciled with God and how to be sure that a place is prepared for us in heaven after this short life.

The Heart of Man
As you read this book, please think of it as a mirror in which you can see yourself. Whether you follow other religions, whether you follow the Christian religion, whether you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, whether you are a non-believer or a person who has gone back from the faith, by reading this book, you can see yourself as God sees you. God shows no favouritism. He sees the condition of the human heart.

How Will This World End?
Now what will be the state of this world? Where will this world end? Such questions arise in everyone's mind; No doubt about it. Many times such questions may have arisen in your mind. If you read in any news paper or on social media, the world seems to be in turmoil and chaos. Listen to the radio! You will hear only bad news.

Living Above the Average
Does the way we live our Christian lives affect our neighbours? What witness do our lives give? What do our lives say? Our neighbour also has his own way of living. Then what will he answer when asked about us? He could say, "He is a very righteous man," but is this the only difference? Is there anything in the way we practice our Christian faith that impresses our neighbour, or makes him angry? What is special about us? Is there something extraordinary in our lives, something that would make him wonder and ask questions about the Lord? Do our lives commend Christ and bear testimony to Him? If not, what reason does our neighbour have to become a Christian?
Read in Nepali:

Christian Martyrs of the World
“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." Revelation 12:11
Read many other true stories in this book, such as the following: On June 7, 1415, John Huss was brought before a council, and condemned as a heretic when he refused to deny Wycliffe's doctrines. He was stripped of all his clerical positions, made to wear a paper cap labelled as a great heretic, and dragged through the fire with his books burned.
Read in Nepali:

C.T. Studd, Cricketer and Pioneer
C.T. Studd (1860-1931) was an English missionary who faithfully served His Saviour in China, India, and Africa. His motto was: “If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”

To be true followers of the Lord Jesus, we must devote our whole lives with all our heart to our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus does not want brothers and sisters who give the Lord only their leisure time, give Him Saturdays or Sundays, or give Him the old age period when he retires from work, but He seeks those who give Him the first place of his life, that is, offer Him on the throne and become Masters.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. Even so, there are many among the followers of Christ, who are confused about the Holy Spirit. Some say: "The Holy Spirit is only a kind of divine influence. And others say: 'That is godly power to influence people. '
Let us give you an example or two of this: The Christian Science community says that the Holy Spirit is divine knowledge, while the Spiritisms deny the persona of the Holy Spirit. According to their teachings, that spirit is the death of a righteous man.
If so, it's his soul. What the Witnesses teach about the Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit is an invisible, effective force by which Almighty God conducts His servants according to His own will.

Scientists have built very powerful telescopes that can see from one star to another galaxy. They study the starry worlds by looking at the sky day and night, but to this day they have not seen the limit of the vast sky. If we were to travel eastward in a spaceship traveling at a speed of 186,284 miles per second, we would not reach the limit of the sky. If we were to go straight up into the sky, we would not reach the top or roof of the sky.

एघारौँ संस्करणको सम्बन्धमा...
दाजु दानियल राईमा हार्दिक श्रद्धाअञ्जलीसहित
यस संस्करणलाई समर्पित गर्दछौं!
लामो समयको अन्तरालपछि यस ‘हिमालझैँ अचल सत्य यो अपार’ को एघारौँ संस्करणलाई पाठकहरू माझ ल्याइएको छ। यो संस्करण प्रकाशन तयारी गर्दैगर्दा, यस पुस्तकका लेखक आदरणीय दाजु दानियल राई परमेश्वरको महिमित घरमा उठाइलगिनुभएको करीब तीन वर्ष भएछ। उहाँद्वारा लिखित धेरै पुस्तकहरूमध्ये ‘अनुपम प्रतिभा र हिमालझैं अचल सत्य—यो अपार’ पाठकहरूद्वारा अत्याधिक रूचाइएका र सर्वाधिक बिक्री भएका पुस्तकहरू मानिन्छ।
यस पुस्तकका लेखकका सुपुत्र श्री उरिएल जोन राई ज्यूको मौखिक अनुमतिमा सामान्य भाषासम्पादन र संसोधनसहित यस संस्करणलाई यहाँहरूमाझ ल्याएका छौं।
यस पुस्तकलाई पढ्दैगर्दा वाक्य संरचनामा थोरै असमन्जस्यता लाग्दछ। यद्यपि लेखकको आफ्नै मौलिक भाषाशैली र वाक्य संरचना भएको हुँदा, यस्ता वाक्यपद्दतिहरूलाई सामान्य संसोधन गरी यथावत् नै राखिएको छ।
साथै, लेखकले ईश्वरत्व र सत्यता सम्बन्धी तुलना गर्दै कतिपय उदाहरणहरू अन्य आस्थाविशेष र धर्मविशेषबाट पनि लिएका छन्। यसमा लेखकले बिनापूर्वाग्रह राखी सामान्य तुलनात्मक प्रस्तुतिमार्फत् आत्मिक सत्यतालाई उजागर गर्न कोसिस गरेका छन्, जुन लेखकको नितान्त व्यक्तिगत बिचार हो। भद्र तथा समझदार पाठकहरूले लेखकको आशयलाई सकारात्मक लिनुहुने नै छ भनी आशा राखेका छौं। धन्यवाद!
विजय लुंगेली मगर [2022]